
Largest Singing Lesson World Record

Members of Metro Mix Chorus, which rehearses in Iowa City, were delighted to participate in the achievement of a new Guinness World Record set at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 24. The record-setting event coincided with the 63rd annual Sweet Adelines International Convention and Competition held at the Sommet Center in Nashville, Tenn.

Music professional and past Sweet Adelines International Quartet Champion Peggy Gram led the lesson by demonstrating inspiring techniques for integrating the voice into the artform. The venue was filled with immense sound as 6,651 singers practiced the demonstrated techniques and sang simultaneously for the duration of the 10-minute lesson.

Guinness World Records official adjudicator Danny Girton Jr. presided over the certificate ceremony to validate the record and confirm that the achievement met the criteria set forth by the organization.

"We welcome Sweet Adelines International into the Guinness World Records family for its inspirational and fun achievement," said Girton Jr. while presenting the award.

Metro Mix Chorus also competed in the midsize chorus category at the international competition, and our members are proud to sport medals for earning the title of fifth place midsize Sweet Adelines chorus in the world!

We had a great time on stage portraying contestants in the "Miss Cellaneous" beauty pageant with the famous emcee, "Bert Sparks!"

How would YOU like to sing with us and "Harmonize the Holidays?" All women and girls (16 and older) are invited to join us for five rehearsals only, Nov. 9, 16, 23 and 30, from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. and learn two songs in four-part a cappella style. This will be followed by a performance at a women's luncheon and holiday show at Cedar Valley Bible Church and School in Cedar Rapids. There is no registration fee to join our holiday chorus, no experience is necessary and there's no obligation to join our chorus. Just have fun!


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