
Venezuela Worlds Largest Arepa set Guinness Book World Records

Employees of Venezuela's largest company arepa cooked food most of the world Wednesday, producing a flour tortilla flat weighing 1,087.31 pounds (493.2 kilos). It was 19.7 feet (6 meters) in diameter.

Arepas, which resembles a remote Mexican tamales are a favorite in this traditional South American countries and neighboring countries of Colombia. Vegetable pies usually filled with a filling similar to ground beef, cheese and beans blacks.

Ralph Hannah, a representative of Guinness Book of World Records record weight certified after the giant arepa was boiled for several hours on a heated metal plate and the water used to mix the dough evaporates.

The previous record for an arepa weight was 440 pounds (200 kilos).

The arepa was cooked in huge headquarters Empresas Polar, Venezuela's food producers the most important. The event was held to commemorate the anniversary of 50-th place in the Arctic precooked corn flour is widely used to make arepas.


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